Dendritic Neuron Model
Dendritic Neuron Model (DNM) is a novel single neuron model with plastic dendritic morphology. Inspired by biological
phenomena of neurons in vivo. the neural structure of DNM is composed of
four layers, namely, the synaptic layer, the dendritic layer,
the membrane layer and the cell body. Each layer owns diverse
excitation functions to carry out corresponding neural
functions. Theoretical and empirical evidence demonstrates
the DNM can provide satisfactory performances on various
practical applications, such as computer-aided medical
diagnosis, business risk assessment and financial time
series prediction.
Distinctive Features of the DNM
There are numbers of distinctive features distinguishing the DNM
from other conventional artificial neural networks, which
have been summarized below:
The DNM takes into consideration a vast and plastic dendritic
tree in the structural morphology of a single neuron.
Through a neural pruning scheme, the DNM can eliminate
superfluous synapses and dendritic branches to simplify
its architecture and form an unique neuron morphology for
each specific task.
Through a logic approximation scheme, the DNM can
transform the simplified structure into Logic Circuit
Classifiers (LCCs), which merely consist of the comparators
and logic AND, OR and NOT gates.
The LCC executes the calculations entirely in binary
without sacrificing model performance, and it has
extremely fast computation speed and low computational
The LCC has strong advantages in solving
the problems with high-speed data streams,
compared with other machine learning algorithms
requiring floating-point calculations.
The LCC is easy to implement for large-scale parallel computing on
hardware, such as field programmable gate array (FPGA) and
very large scale integration (VLSI).